Elderflower & Lavender Cordial


We love using natural ingredients we find around the hedgerows of the farm and this includes our delicious elderflower cordial - You can enjoy this at one of our events too!

Makes about 2 litres


  • 50-60 heads of Elderflower blooms

  • 150 gm of lavender stems and flower heads

  • 1.5kg Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar

  • 2 Unwaxed Lemons


  • Fun the Elderflower blooms upside down and gently shake to get rid of any lingering little creatures. Place in large sterilised bucket or saucepan.

  • Fold up the lavender heads, stems and leaves and gently crush (to release the lavender oil), and place int he bucket with the Eledflower heads

  • Place the sugar into a large pan with 1.5 litres of boiling water and stir; then bring to the boil. Simmer for a couple of minutes, until all the sugar has dissolved and remove from the heat.

  • Cut the lemons into quarters and place in a sterlised large bowl or bucket with the elderflowers. Pour over the warm syrup, then cover with a clean tea towel and leave to sit and steep somewhere cool and shady for 24 hours. Stir with a sterilised spoon after 12 hours.

  • The next day, strain your cordial using a sieve lined with muslin or a new j-cloth ( I personally use an old pillowcase). Pour the cordial into sterlised bottles , fix the lids on tightly and store in a cool place until you fancy a drop. Remember to dilute it well - a little goes a long way!

  • Serve it in a tall glass, with crushes ice cubes (frozen with Lavender flower heads) and a slice of lemon.

  • This will keep in a cool place for up to a year, if you can resist the urge to drink it all within weeks of making it!


Ten Tuesdays in Summer


Lavender Scone Recipe